Kenyan businesses can lose profits to high FX costs, hidden fees, and slow payments. Learn how to cut costs, optimize exchange rates, and improve cash flow with smart FX strategies. Discover how Cedar Money helps importers and exporters save on international transactions.
For Kenyan businesses engaged in global trade, foreign exchange (FX) costs can quickly eat into profits. Whether you're an importer bringing in goods or an exporter selling internationally, navigating fluctuating exchange rates, hidden fees, and slow settlement times can be a major challenge.
But what if you could optimize your FX transactions and keep more of your hard-earned money? In this guide, we’ll explore practical strategies Kenyan importers and exporters can use to reduce FX costs and improve cash flow.
Many Kenyan businesses still rely on traditional banks for their FX transactions, but banks often charge high markups on exchange rates and hefty transfer fees. Fintech solutions like Cedar Money offer more competitive rates, lower fees, and faster settlements, helping you save significantly and make more efficient cross-border payments.
What to look for in an FX provider:
Cedar Money provides businesses with access to smarter payment solutions where you can enjoy competitive FX rates and get the most value when making international payments.
Exchange rates fluctuate daily, and even small changes can impact the cost of your transactions. Kenyan businesses can save on FX costs by timing payments strategically.
How to stay ahead of rate fluctuations:
With Cedar Rate Alerts, you’ll receive real-time notifications when FX rates hit your target, helping you seize the best deals without constant monitoring. Set a Rate Alert Now!
Many Kenyan importers and exporters lose money due to double currency conversions. For example, converting KES to USD, then USD to EUR, can add unnecessary FX costs.
How to avoid double conversions:
Cedar Money allows Kenyan businesses to send and receive payments in multiple global currencies, reducing unnecessary conversions and maximizing cost efficiency.
If your business frequently makes multiple FX payments, sending each transaction separately can increase costs due to per-transfer fees. Instead, consider batching payments to reduce overall fees and optimize FX rates.
How to optimize bulk payments:
Cedar Money’s upcoming Payout API will allow businesses to automate and batch international payments efficiently, ensuring lower fees and smoother transactions.
For exporters, long settlement times can lead to cash flow constraints, while importers may face supplier delays due to slow payments. Optimizing FX settlements can improve liquidity and business operations.
How to reduce settlement delays:
With Cedar Money, USD payouts settle in T+1, and other currencies process within 1-5 days, ensuring your money moves faster.
Every shilling saved on FX costs translates to better profit margins and improved business growth. By choosing a competitive FX provider, timing your transactions wisely, avoiding unnecessary conversions, and optimizing settlement speeds, Kenyan importers and exporters can reduce costs, boost efficiency, and stay ahead in global trade.
With Cedar Money, you get access to competitive exchange rates, fast settlements, and a seamless multi-currency payment experience.
Ready to optimize your FX transactions? Start Saving on FX Costs Today!